Developer PR

Developers hold huge sway in adopting innovative technologies. We earn developer passion through strategic PR and content marketing tailored to what matters most to coders and engineers.

“As a premier PR agency catering to developer-centric businesses, we recognize the importance of a distinct, results-driven strategy for prominence. Leveraging our extensive experience with software engineers, we devise strategies that fuel growth in this sector.”

Justin Mauldin Founder

A profile photo of Justin Mauldin, CEO of Salient PR
A group of executives discussing their developer public relations plans

Developers see through hype and value authenticity. Work with an agency that intrinsically understands developer culture, media outlets, and communication channels.

Choose a team that can speak the same language as your audiences and create content that resonates. Look for demonstrated experience engaging developers across communities like GitHub, Stack Overflow, HackerNews, and relevant podcasts.

Partnering with the right agency saves you time explaining the basics and accelerates results. You need a team that combines marketing expertise with an engineering mindset and insider community access.

Work with an agency that can get developers excited about your product because they grasp the tech and the culture. Don't settle for superficial developer marketing - achieve real cut-through and engagement.

Developer Love Through Storytelling

A CMO meetings with a candidate to discuss their developer PR qualifications

In a technology-driven world, we understand the need to craft compelling stories that educate and inspire developers. Our integrated developer relations strategies leverage content, community and events to connect with developers across open source and commercial settings.

Storytelling is core to our programs. We create narratives that showcase how developers can make an impact with your technology. From developer tutorials to case studies, we position your engineers as trusted guides. Our blogs, ebooks and webinars highlight unique use cases and empower developers to expand their skills.

Leveraging our connections with key developer communities, we promote your brand through engaging stories. We prepare your engineers to share their experiences through meetups, conferences and podcasts. Our customized storytelling resonates with developer audiences, building goodwill and credibility.

We don't just report on your technology updates. We tell inspiring stories of innovation that motivate developers to join your mission. Our creative approach to developer relations helps build a committed community united by your vision.

Winning Over Developers With Strategic PR

Salient PR empowers you to...

  • Engage Developers with Relevant, Optimized Content. Developers care about solving problems efficiently, not awards and rankings. Create useful content optimized for SEO that directly addresses their needs and interests. Stay on-brand while ensuring authenticity.

  • Position Developers as Thought Leaders. Developers value great technical content like docs, blogs and talks. Produce multiple in-depth assets on key topics. Then leverage PR to place them on channels developers trust. This builds authority for your experts and awareness for your brand.

  • Combine Product-Led Growth with Strategic Marketing. Many developer tools arise from programmers solving their own problems. Blend product-led growth strategies with integrated marketing. PR and content focused on real-world use cases will resonate with developers. Accelerating adoption for your innovative solutions.

In summary, create content that informs developers and conveys your brand's unique value. Promote assets through PR to establish your developers as expert resources. Grow through product-led strategies amplified by marketing that connects with developers' mindsets.

Engaging Developer Communities with PR

A computer screen showing a DevOps public relations case study

Our PR experts have deep knowledge across diverse developer tools and platforms like operating systems, languages, databases, cloud services and more. We stay on top of the latest innovations and industry trends.

From programming languages to IDEs, databases to containers, our team understands the developer ecosystem. We highlight your commitment to secure, high-performing technologies that make developers more productive. Our customized storytelling promotes your developer tools, platforms and services, while positioning your technical experts as go-to authorities.

Leveraging earned, owned and paid channels, we build awareness and adoption among target developers. Let us promote your brand's vision to accelerate innovation for the new world of software development.

See Our Developer PR Results