The Top 11 Trends in PR (And What To Forget in 2024)

A public relations team debating the most impactful public relations trends

In the rapidly evolving world of public relations, staying ahead of the curve of current trends is not just beneficial—it's crucial. PR trends, much like the currents in an ocean, define the direction in which communication flows, shaping narratives, influencing target audience perceptions, and dictating the success or failure of campaigns.

Being attuned to these trends allows professionals to harness the power of the zeitgeist, creating resonant messages that align with contemporary values, preferences, and mediums. In a saturated information landscape, this means the difference between standing out and being drowned out, between engaging audiences meaningfully and being relegated to the white noise of the digital age.

Moreover, understanding and adapting to current PR trends is a testament to an organization or individual's commitment to continuous learning and evolution. It showcases an ability to be nimble, proactive, and forward-thinking. Ignoring these shifts, on the other hand, can lead to strategies that feel outdated, disconnected, or tone-deaf, eroding trust and diminishing brand equity.

In a world where a brand's reputation is paramount and where audiences demand authenticity and relevance, staying informed and agile in the PR arena isn't just a strategic move—it's a vital one.

2024 PR Trends: The Takeaways

  • Data-driven storytelling is becoming more important, using facts and figures to support compelling narratives.

  • Media outlets are increasingly relying on contributed articles as they face budget cuts and smaller staff sizes.

  • Pitching is becoming more personalized and tailored, moving beyond generic press releases.

  • Influencer marketing continues to thrive as a key PR strategy. Brands now focus on aligning with niche influencers.

  • New analytics tools are enabling PR professionals to better quantify their impact on business metrics like sales and customer lifetime value.

  • Social media, especially X and Linkedin, remain crucial channels for subject matter experts to connect with journalists.

  • Diversity and inclusion are now core components of PR, from external messaging to internal hiring practices.

  • PR professionals are shifting to more targeted media pitching over mass outreach.

  • Publicists are diversifying efforts across new platforms like podcasts and newsletters.

  • Expensive PR firms are declining as digital tools democratize communication.

  • Web3 will facilitate more direct engagement between brands, publicists, and consumers.

1) Data-Driven Storytelling: More than a Headline

A virtual meeting where the latest pr trends and pr strategy is discussed

In 2024, the public relations industry is witnessing an invigorated emphasis on data-driven storytelling, transcending the allure of catchy headlines. As the digital age floods audiences with information, PR professionals are turning to data to not only validate their narratives but also to carve out compelling, authentic, and relatable stories.

Data, when leveraged judiciously, adds a depth of credibility, grounding stories in facts rather than mere conjecture. This elevates the role of PR from just attention-grabbing to offering narratives that are both substantive and impactful, meeting the sophisticated expectations of today's discerning audiences.

However, this emphasis on data doesn't detract from the art of storytelling; rather, it enhances it. Data acts as the backbone, supporting and enriching the story being told. PR pros in 2024 are mastering the art of weaving intricate tales that juxtapose cold, hard facts with the warmth of human experience.

Gone are the days of surface-level headlines aimed at sheer virality; in their place, we find stories that resonate on a deeper level, prompting thoughtful engagement and fostering genuine connections. The future of PR lies in harnessing the perfect blend of data and narrative, ensuring messages aren't just heard, but remembered.

2) Media outlets are relying more on contributed articles as full-time staff continues to shrink

The top pr agencies gathered in Austin, TX to lay out the top pr trends of 2023

The media landscape in 2024 is experiencing a notable transformation, as newsrooms grapple with shrinking budgets and leaner full-time staff rosters. The repercussions of these financial constraints are multifaceted, with one of the most evident shifts being the increased reliance on contributed articles.

These pieces, often penned by industry experts, thought leaders, or professionals with a unique perspective, offer a fresh voice and deep insight, without necessitating a permanent position on the payroll. For media outlets, this means reduced overheads, a wider diversity of content, and the ability to tap into specialized knowledge on an as-needed basis.

Yet, this evolving dynamic also presents challenges. While contributed articles can be valuable, they often come with the need for rigorous editorial oversight to ensure quality, objectivity, and alignment with a publication's standards and voice.

There's a balancing act for outlets to maintain their journalistic integrity and not become overly reliant on external content, which may at times be veiled PR or promotional efforts.

However, when done right, this collaboration between media outlets and contributors can yield rich, varied, and engaging content that serves the dual purpose of filling the fake news gap and offering audiences fresh perspectives in an era of leaner newsrooms.

3) PR Professionals Embrace Pitching 2.0

A computer screen displaying successful pr campaigns from social media posts

As the media ecosystem evolves, so too does the art and science of pitching. Gone are the days when a generic press release, sent en masse, would suffice. In 2024's "Pitching 2.0", personalization, precision, and value proposition are front and often center stage.

PR professionals are delving deeper into understanding not just the outlets they target, but the individual journalists, influencers, and audience demographics associated with them.

This granular approach ensures that pitches are tailored, relevant, and positioned to capture attention amidst the deluge of information these gatekeepers navigate daily. Leveraging tools like AI-driven insights, predictive analytics, and behavioral data, pitches are becoming smarter, resonating more deeply and resulting in higher engagement and conversion.

Moreover, Pitching 2.0 recognizes the dynamic, multi-platform world we inhabit. It's not just about reaching out via email; it encompasses a mix of mediums—social media outreach, influencer partnerships, multimedia content, and experiential activations, to name a few. A pitch in this era is more than a mere proposal; it's a holistic experience that tells a story even before the story is officially told.

4) Influencer Marketing Is Still Going Strong

A social media influencer using community outreach channels to create personalized digital experiences

Despite the skepticism and fluctuations of the past, influencer marketing has solidified its standing in the PR and marketing sphere by 2024. It's no longer seen as a fleeting trend or a mere appendage to broader campaigns. Instead, it's a central pillar that brands and organizations lean on, recognizing the power influencers wield in shaping perceptions of other brands, driving engagement, and influencing purchasing decisions.

The continued rise of various social media platforms, coupled with the fracturing of traditional media, has further emboldened influencers' positions. Their authentic voice, direct connection with their audience, and the trust they've built with their customer base and potential customers over time make them invaluable partners for brands seeking genuine engagement and resonance in a crowded digital landscape.

However, as influencer marketing continues to thrive, the nature of collaborations has matured. Brands are no longer just chasing influencers with the highest follower counts; they're looking for genuine alignment in values, authenticity, and the potential for long-term partnerships. Micro-influencers, with their niche audiences and high engagement rates, are increasingly in demand.

Metrics have also evolved; it's less about sheer reach and more about meaningful interactions, sustained engagement, and measurable ROI. This renewed focus on quality over quantity signals a maturing industry, one that recognizes the lasting power of influencer marketing but also understands its intricacies and nuances.

5) Quantifying business impact from public relations has become easier

PR pros hold a meeting on community outreach channels as the latest digital pr trend

For years, the PR industry grappled with the challenge of showcasing its direct impact on business outcomes. The age-old reliance on vague metrics, like impressions or media placements, often left organizations questioning the tangible benefits of their PR investments. However, in 2024, breakthroughs in analytics, data integration, and advanced tracking methodologies have started to bridge this gap.

Sophisticated tools that intertwine PR efforts with business metrics—such as sales conversions, customer lifetime value, and even predictive modeling for future campaigns—have begun to emerge. These tools not only provide a clearer picture of the direct and indirect benefits of PR initiatives but also help in refining strategies for maximum business impact.

Furthermore, this evolution towards quantifiable results has bolstered the standing of PR within the corporate hierarchy. C-suite executives, who previously may have viewed PR as a necessary but abstract function, can now see its concrete contributions to the bottom line.

As a result, PR professionals are finding themselves more integrated into strategic business discussions, their insights and strategies acknowledged as an important factor pivotal in driving growth, brand and customer loyalty, and market differentiation.

This new era of clarity and accountability heralds a brighter future for public relations, where its value is not just understood but unequivocally demonstrated.

6) Social media, especially X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn, will continue to be one of the speediest ways for subject matter experts (SMEs) to reach the media

PR experts authentically communicating with reporters at their target media outlet is a new pr trend

This year, social media platforms, particularly X and LinkedIn, have cemented their roles as indispensable conduits for subject matter experts (SMEs) seeking media attention. While traditional outreach methods still have their place, the immediacy, accessibility, and wide reach of digital pr platforms offer a unique advantage.

Journalists, always on the hunt for reliable sources and fresh perspectives on current world, increasingly turn to these platforms to identify and connect with experts.

X, with its real-time pulse on global conversations, allows SMEs to inject their insights directly into trending topics, making them visible to media professionals covering breaking news stories or seeking authoritative voices.

LinkedIn, on the other hand, has evolved beyond a mere professional networking platform. Its rich content ecosystem, characterized by articles, posts, and discussions, serves as a repository for SMEs to showcase their expertise, thought leadership, and industry insights. Media professionals often scour LinkedIn to find specialists in particular fields, making it crucial for SMEs to maintain active, informative profiles.

As the boundaries between media and digital realms continue to blur, these platforms are not just optional extras but essential tools for SMEs aiming to influence discourse, shape narratives, and establish themselves as go-to voices in their respective domains.

7) Diversity and Inclusion Reign Supreme in PR Strategy

A group of diverse pr teams using pr analytics tools to uncover rising pr trends

By 2024, the imperatives of diversity and inclusion (D&I) are not merely buzzwords or box-ticking exercises within the PR industry—they've evolved into core tenets that shape communications strategy, organizational structure, and a brand's industry narratives. Recognizing the rich tapestry of global audiences, PR professionals understand that homogeneity no longer serves.

Instead, there's a pronounced shift towards representing varied voices, experiences, and perspectives, ensuring campaigns resonate with a broader, more diverse swath of society. Authentic representation matters more than ever, with audiences demanding content that reflects their lived experiences and identities.

Brands that embrace and champion D&I in their PR strategies not only foster trust and loyalty among loyal customers, but also position themselves as forward-thinking leaders in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

Furthermore, it's not just about external communication; the internal dynamics of PR agencies and departments have been reshaped by this D&I wave. Hiring practices, workplace cultures, and training programs are now designed with inclusivity at their core.

The realization has dawned that a diverse team—encompassing different ethnicities, genders, orientations, abilities, and experiences—brings a multiplicity of perspectives that enrich strategy and creativity.

In a field that thrives on innovation, social responsibility and connection, the unequivocal embrace of diversity and inclusion signifies the PR industry's commitment to a more inclusive, equitable, and vibrant future.

8) PR professionals will say goodbye to mass pitching and find media opportunities with a “quality-over-quantity” mindset

An overview of the PR landscape which showcases media relations, paid advertising, owned media, and traditional PR

In the communications landscape of 2024, PR teams are pivoting away from the scattergun approach of yesteryears. The tactic of mass pitching, once a staple in PR arsenals, is being shelved in favor of more targeted, personalized outreach.

With journalists and media outlets inundated with pitches daily, generic, one-size-fits-all messages often find themselves lost in the noise or, worse, earmarked as irrelevant.

Recognizing this, savvy PR practitioners are adopting a "quality-over-quantity" mindset. This approach means taking the time to deeply understand the journalists they're reaching out to—grasping their beats, recognizing the stories they gravitate towards, and tailoring pitches to align seamlessly with their specific interests and the audience they serve.

Such a nuanced approach not only increases the chances of garnering media coverage but also fosters a stronger, more respectful relationship between PR professionals and journalists. Instead of being seen as mere gatekeepers to be inundated with press releases, journalists are regarded as partners in storytelling, deserving of pitches that cater to their unique needs and preferences.

This paradigm shift signals a more mature phase for public relations, characterized by strategic thinking, genuine engagement, and a deep-seated commitment to crafting stories that resonate—not just in their breadth of reach, but in the depth of their impact.

9) Publicists will diversify their outreach and connect with new platforms and content mediums, including podcasts, newsletters, and more

An audience of PR professionals sharing the latest PR trends and PR strategies

By 2024, the media landscape has metamorphosed, birthing a plethora of platforms and content mediums, each vying for audience attention. Publicists, ever attuned to the pulse of consumption habits, recognize that traditional outlets—while still influential—are just a fraction of the vast communications tapestry.

Podcasts, once a budding domain, have burgeoned into powerful platforms for nuanced storytelling, enabling brands and experts to connect with audiences in more intimate and long-form ways. The auditory experience they offer, combined with the flexibility of on-the-go consumption, has made them indispensable in a publicist's outreach toolkit.

Similarly, newsletters have witnessed a renaissance. Leveraging the directness of email, they bypass the noise of social media, delivering curated, value-driven content straight to the reader's inbox. Publicists are partnering with influential newsletter creators or even spearheading proprietary newsletter campaigns to maintain a consistent, personalized dialogue with target audiences.

Beyond these, emergent platforms virtual events, innovative apps, and varied content formats continue to sprout, each providing unique opportunities for engagement. For publicists, this era represents a golden age of diversity in outreach, demanding creativity, adaptability, and a keenness to explore uncharted terrains in the quest to resonate with audiences wherever they might be.

10) Expensive public relations firms will continue to die

A woman using data analytics to determine her team's upcoming pr efforts

The landscape of public relations is undergoing a seismic shift, and one of the most conspicuous changes in 2024 is the waning dominance of high-end, expensive PR firms.

Historically, these firms were the go-to for major corporations and brands to shape public relations, their steep fees justified by their vast networks, elite clientele, and promises of unparalleled media exposure. However, in the age of democratized communication, the value proposition of these traditional giants is being critically reassessed.

With the rise of digital platforms, social media influencers, and grassroots communication strategies, brands are realizing that impactful PR doesn't always come with a hefty price tag. In fact, smaller boutique agencies like Salient PR or even in-house teams, armed with digital savvy and more agile frameworks, often deliver more personalized, innovative, and cost-effective campaigns.

Moreover, the high overheads, rigid structures, and at times, slow adaptability of larger, expensive firms are becoming liabilities in a fast-paced, ever-evolving media environment. Clients today demand flexibility, rapid response times, and bespoke solutions that many boutique agencies and freelancers are better equipped to provide.

While there will always be a market for luxury services and the much more money and prestige associated with top-tier firms, the general trend is leaning towards value, authenticity, and tangible results over brand name and high costs. The PR industry, in essence, is experiencing a democratization where effectiveness isn't solely the domain of the highest bidder.

11) The arrival of Web3 will lead to more direct interactions between pr professionals, brands, and their consumers

A media outlet article on the top public relations trends

The dawn of Web3 heralds a transformative era for both companies and the world of public relations and brand communication. At its core, Web3 champions a decentralized internet, powered by blockchain technologies and an ethos of user ownership and control. For publicists, companies and brands, this paradigm shift offers exciting opportunities to engage with consumers in more direct, transparent, and meaningful ways.

Unlike the walled gardens of Web2 platforms, where intermediaries often give brands access to controlled and monetized interactions, Web3 enables brands to build relationships and foster communities with their target audience without intermediation. This direct access means brands can create bespoke experiences, tailor highly engaged content in real-time based on community feedback, and nurture deeper trust by ensuring data privacy and transparent transactions.

Furthermore, the tokenization aspect of Web3 introduces new avenues for loyalty programs, brand promotions, and consumer incentives. Brands can issue their own tokens or digital assets as rewards, granting consumers unique experiences, exclusive content, or even a stake in the brand's decision-making processes. For publicists, navigating this new terrain requires a blend of technological acumen and creative flair.

Crafting narratives in the Web3 space isn't just about conveying a message—it's about co-creating experiences with consumers, tapping into the ethos of collaboration, ownership, and direct engagement that Web3 inherently fosters. As the boundaries between brands and their audiences blur, public relations in the Web3 era promises richer dialogues, more genuine connections with more consumers, and a redefined sense of community.


Navigating the multifaceted landscape of PR in 2024 demands a keen understanding of the evolving pr trends and a readiness to adapt.

From the increasing emphasis on data-driven storytelling to the redefined art of pitching; from the undiminished power of influencer marketing to the rising prominence of owned media in brand-building, PR professionals are tasked with juggling a myriad of tools and techniques. Yet, at the heart of this evolution lies the core principle of authentic engagement.

Whether it's fostering direct interactions in the decentralized realms of Web3, championing diversity and inclusion, or personalizing outreach in an age of digital abundance, the PR of today calls for genuine narratives and meaningful connections.

As brands bid adieu to mass pitching and expensive PR firms in pursuit of other forms of value and relevance, one thing is clear: 2024 is the year where digital PR itself, rooted in authenticity and innovation, transcends traditional boundaries, promising a more dynamic and impactful future for communicators worldwide.

A CEO examining his brand's online reputation to encourage a positive public image

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